Thank You!
Our own members highlights are:
H & I Grades
We had quite a few new competitors competing in these grades and for many of them it was simply about experiencing a competition for the first time, these included Laura Bloomfield, Ruby Blandford, Rebekah Francis & Ellen Houghton - well done for stepping up to the plate.
G Grade
Our under-9/11 girls team of Emma Martin, Tegan Roycroft, Georgia Tyrrell and Jessie-Rose Durrell won their group with Emma also taking individual 3rd place. Jessie & Georgia were not far behind in 4th & 6th out of 15 competitors.
This team success was replicated with the under-13 girls, Fiona Humphries, Susanna Badley, Alice Gibbs & Emma Brereton with Susanna also taking individual 2nd closely followed by first-timer Annalie Collins in 4th and Alice Gibbs in 5th.
The next whiff of success we had was with the under-17 girls with Tilly Ashcroft and Catherine Zalicks taking individual 2nd and 3rd places. Emma Meadows (one of our regular adult bouncers) also competed for teh first time in the Over-17 and missed 2nd place on tie-break buit was pleased with 3rd, the winner of this group was Natalie Shade bouncing for Tiptree but also a regular visitor so well done to Natalie as well.
F Grade
Highlights in this grade were Abbie Goldsmith winning the under-15 on tie break and Charlotte Hussey in her first outing at this grade in 5th. Lauren Marchant was convincing winner in the Over 15.
E Grade
This grade saw another team success with Sophie Banks, Georgia Walker and Harriet Gill, Sophie narrowly missed a medal as well ending in 4th overall.
D Grade
A mixed result with Daniel Frost winning the male competition by a good margin but Emma Frost completing her new higher tariff vol but just not quite getting the form marks she needed to challenge in the female group.
C & above
This group saw Natasha Wood winning with Chrissie Law in 6th place.
There is more detail on our website.